Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Thursday, December 21, 2023
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Thursday, June 8, 2023
Houses for Sale Sandy Hill Ottawa - Houses for Sale Ottawa
Search houses for sale sandy hill Ottawa, ON MLS. Up-to-date MLS real estate listings for Sandy Hill homes, apartments, condos, townhouses for sale & more.
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
House for Sale Orleans Ontario - Houses for Sale Ottawa
Monday, April 24, 2023
'Two Years' is the lead single from our new EP 'Mantras' which is out now on all platforms. Massive thank you to Oliver Lloyd Design (@oliverlloyddesign) for filming and editing this video. It was so fun to put together and we hope you love it as much as we do! Lyrics: I took another breath in and held it As my options caved Haunt the aisle of the supermarket Wait to see your face I see futures They all end in vain So take a look at them You can wander there without me in Fear is at the root of it One more slip will get you soaking wet Fear is at the root Twist your hair in knots and pull them Till they all give way Avoid the mirror or shots you took when We were out with friends But I see futures They all end in vain Take a look at them You can wander there without me in Fear is at the root of it One more slip will get you soaking wet Fear is at the root The sentiment The fun of it Forget what I wanted you for now What I wanted you for The sentiment The fun of it The promises You contradict A single bed A cigarette That's what I wanted you for Fear is at the root of it One more slip will get you soaking wet Fear is at the root of it Fear is at the root Hide away that thing you're craving I became that thing to you Hide away that thing you're craving I became that thing to you https://facebook.com/junipernights Twitter - @junipernights Instagram - @junipernights
Great new song from Oxfords' "Juniper Nights"
Friday, April 21, 2023
ืื ืืืื ืืืขืช ืืคื ื ืฉืืืืฆืจืื ืืชืจ ืื ืืคืืืงืฆืื ืืื ืชืืื ืฉืื ืชืืจืฆื ืืืชืคืจื ืก ืืขืืืื ืืืืืช |ืฉื ืกืืจืกืืงื ืืืขืฅ ืืฉืืืืง ืืืืืืื ืืื ืืืืื
ืฉื ืกืืจืกืืงื ืื ืื ืฉืืืืง
VCI - ืคืชืจืื ืืืงืืจ ืืืืฅ ืฉืื ืืคืืชืื ืชืืื ื ืืืคืืืงืฆืืืช
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ืื ืืกืฃ, ืืฆืืืช ืืืคืชืืื ืืื ืืกืื ืฉืื ื ืืฉ ืืช ืืืืืืืืช ืืืคื ืืืืืื ืจืื ืฉื ืฆืจืื ืคืืชืื, ืืื ืืืคืืืงืฆืืืช ืืืืืื ืืืื ืืจื ื ืืขื ืืคืชืจืื ืืช ืชืืื ื ืืืจืืืื. ืขื VCI, ืืชื ืืืื ืืืืืช ืืืื ืฉืืคืจืืืงื ืฉืื ืืืืคื ืขื ืืื ืฆืืืช ืฉื ืื ืฉื ืืงืฆืืข ืขื ืจืงืืจื ืืืื ืฉื ืืฆืืื.
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ืื ืื ืืชื ืืืคืฉืื ืคืชืจืื ืืืงืืจ ืืืฅ ืืืื ืืืกืืื ื ืืคืืชืื ืชืืื ื ืืืืฉืืืื, ืื ืชืืคืฉื ืจืืืง ืืืชืจ ื-VCI. ืฆืืจ ืืืชื ื ืงืฉืจ ืขืื ืืืื ืืื ืืืืื ืขืื ืขื ืืฉืืจืืชืื ืฉืื ื ืืืืฆื ื ืืื ืืขืืืจ ืืขืกืง ืฉืื ืืืฆืืื.
Thursday, April 20, 2023
The Future of Marketing: Embracing Algorithmic Attribution for Success
Algorithmic Attribution is a powerful technique that allows marketers to measure and optimize the performance of their marketing channels. By ensuring better investments for every dollar, AA aids marketers in maximizing the return for every penny spent.
Not all organizations are entitled to algorithmic attribution regardless of the many benefits. Some organizations do not have access to Google Analytics 360/Premium accounts that allow algorithmic attribute.
The benefits of Algorithmic Attribution
Algorithmic Attribution (or Attribute Evaluation and Optimization, or AAE, as it is commonly referred to) is an efficient method of using data to evaluate and optimizing channels for marketing. It helps marketers pinpoint the channels that lead to conversions and optimize media spend across channels.
Algorithmic Attribution Models can be developed by Machine Learning (ML) and trained and updated to continuously improve accuracy. They can adjust their models to new ways of marketing or products by learning from data sources.
Marketers who make use of algorithmic attribution can see better rate of conversion and greater ROI on their marketing budget. Marketers can make the most of real-time insights by rapidly adapting to changes in market trends and staying up with the ever-changing strategies of their competitors.
Algorithmic Attribution can also assist marketers in identifying the content that generates conversions, and prioritizing marketing activities that yield the highest profits and reducing those that don't.
The Drawbacks Of Algorithmic Attribution
Algorithmic Attribution is a modern method to assign marketing efforts. It employs advanced statistical models and machine-learning technologies to quantify marketing efforts during the entire customer journey, leading to conversion.
Marketers can evaluate the impact of their advertising campaigns and pinpoint high-converting conversion catalysts by using this information, and also spending their budgets more efficiently and prioritizing channels.
However, algorithmic attribution is difficult and requires accessing large data sets from many sources, causing numerous organizations to be unable to implement this type of analysis.
One common reason for this is that a company may not have enough information or the necessary technology to mine the data effectively.
Solution A modern cloud-based data warehouse serves as the sole source of truth for all marketing data. By offering a comprehensive perspective of the customer and their touchpoints it provides faster insights that are more pertinent, as well as more precise attribution results.
Last click attribution: Its benefits
The model of attribution for last clicks is now the most sought-after model for attribution. It permits all credit for conversions to return to the previous ad or keyword that contributed to the conversion, making setup easy for marketers without requiring any sort of data interpretation on their part.
The attribution model doesn't give a full picture of the customer's journey. The model doesn't consider marketing interactions prior to conversions, as a hurdle, which could be costly in terms lost conversions.
There are more powerful models of attribution that can give you a a more complete understanding of the customer's journey. They can also help you discover more precisely what channels and touchpoints convert customers better. These models include linear, time decay, and data-driven attribution.
The Disadvantages of Last Click Attribution
Last-click attribution technology is one of the most commonly used attribution models used by marketing teams. It's perfect for those who want a quick way to identify which channels contribute the most to conversions. However, its use must, be carefully considered before it is implemented.
Last-click attribution can be described as a marketing technique that allows marketers to only give credit to the point of interaction with a client prior to conversion. This can lead to incorrect and biased performance metrics.
The first approach to attribution for clicks gives customers a reward for the initial contact with a marketing professional prior to conversion.
On a smaller scale, this may be helpful however, it can be confusing when trying to increase the effectiveness of campaigns or provide value to people who are involved.
This approach is flawed because it only considers conversions that occur because of the same marketing touchpoint. It therefore misses out on crucial data about the efficacy of your brand's awareness campaigns.
Friday, April 14, 2023
Embrace Your Independence in Love with Dating Liberty
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
ะััััะฝะธะน ะบะฐะปะตะฝะดะฐั ะฝะฐ ะบะพะถะตะฝ ะดะตะฝั 2023-2024
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
The Great Benefits Of Automated Forex Trading
I was again fascinated, the idea of taking human error out of my investing and having my own personal robot at my desk 24/7 365 making sure I was always profitable was just too great to pass up. In conclusion, you can make your own Forex trading system, or you can buy one from a vendor. To do this you should know the logic the system is based upon
There is the government spending, unemployment, taxes and interest rates. The viewer gets all this information without spending a single cent. However, as is true on the rest of the internet, most people there are technical traders
Of all the organizations that recognize Forex, most of them practice fiscal policy, and monetary policy. The purpose of trading is to obtain a profit as a result of foreign currencies purchase and sale. The Forex currency market is the world's largest financial market where the currency of one country is exchanged with another through an exchange rate system. The price will raise and fall. The currency rate is run through telecommunication over the massive network of banks
Forex trading refers to foreign exchange trading. You see, traders make a lot of mistakes. Forex trading involves the exchange of one currency for another. These currencies are traded in pairs here, ie you sell one to buy another. Here you buy and sell foreign exchanges
In the earlier days of forex trading, the banks and large financial institutions had sole access to the forex market, but now with the advent of the internet technology, things have changed. Find out who has developed that forex trading system and his track record. Additionally, the broker or agent will offer advice to clients to enable them to improve their forex trading ability. There are differences between spot and futures trading to be sure, however the biggest difference and arguably the most important difference between them is the fact that spot trades are handled in what is termed as over the counter
2016 APLGO Pay checks
The The most common values of humanity รขโฌโ health and well-being รขโฌโ are combined in our business! APLGO (a health and wellness company currently operating in almost 50 countries) is launching in the US market. We are using modern technologies in nutrition that are already loved by thousands of consumers globally! Our compensation plan is made with our clients in mind, to help them develop financially and make their dreams come true. Itรขโฌโขs time to open the US market! common values of humanity รขโฌโ health and well-being รขโฌโ are combined in our business! APLGO (a health and wellness company currently operating in almost 50 countries) is launching in the US market. We are using modern technologies in nutrition that are already loved by thousands of consumers globally! Our compensation plan is made with our clients in mind, to help them develop financially and make their dreams come true. Itรขโฌโขs time to open the US market!
The most common values of humanity รขโฌโ health and well-being รขโฌโ are combined in our business! APLGO (a health and wellness company currently operating in almost 50 countries) is launching in the US market. We are using modern technologies in nutrition that are already loved by thousands of consumers globally! Our compensation plan is made with our clients in mind, to help them develop financially and make their dreams come true. Itรขโฌโขs time to open the US market!
Our Company offers a product that provides our Associates with limitless opportunities. CRN has recently conducted a consumer survey that found, รขโฌลthe level of consumption of food supplements has always been high and is still growing. 77% of Americans say that they consume food supplements.รขโฌ It is estimated that food supplements sales volume will have reached the number of $216.3 billion by 2026, predicting a great future for our business.
APLGO capitalized on this demand and provided the world with a product created by a unique power accumulation technology, combining science and nature in our innovative lozenge drops. This tasty combination can fulfill the demands of even the most sophisticated American consumer, making it easier for them to lead a healthy and happy lifestyle.
Today more than ever, Americans value natural, holistic products. They take great care of their health and are always looking for the best products for their bodies. APLGO fulfills these demands by providing an ideal product, a community of individuals striving to lead healthy lifestyles, and a compensation plan that can help you build a successful organization!
Thereรขโฌโขs no better time than NOW to join APLGO.
We are more than just a business. We are a team that helps those with whom we work to become the best version of themselves. And those with whom we work become people who deserve a round of APLause.
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Lunar calendar of the best days to haircut and hair care
Music from the game SOUTH OF THE CIRCLE, soundtracks, and sound design
Friday, April 7, 2023
APL GO US-Products and Manufacturing
รฏยปยฟDeveloping healthy individuals is one of APLGO's top priorities. As such, our products are created to take care of human beauty and health.
APLGO provides more than a business opportunity. Itรขโฌโขs a lifestyle. You work for yourself รขโฌโ no longer under someone elseรขโฌโขs supervision. That means that running a business with APLGO is something you can actually enjoy.
The Acumullit SA technology allows the beneficial properties of the whole food botanical ingredients be preserved and enhanced. A state-of-the-art extraction process triggers the activation of the botanical compounds, so that nano-particles of the active compounds can be isolated without other substances in the plant. This causes a thinning of the cellular membranes of the fruits, herbs and seeds, and a release of the botanical components like micro and macro elements, phytonutrients, bioflavonoids and organic acids, making them more bioavailable. The isolated particles are forming negatively charged nano elements, creating an activated mix of highly absorbable nutrients. The activated mix of preserved and enhanced whole food plant extracts is then added to a caramel mass from which the lozenge drops are made.
APLGO works to strengthen the family. We provide the framework that allows families to work and spend time together while reaching their common goals as a team. And, when Associates and families find success in building their businesses together, they strengthen their family bonds.
We strive to develop and share tools that support Associates at every stage of their development: from newcomers to seasoned leaders.
APLGO does everything to change public sentiment toward the network marketing industry. We aim to show people that network marketing provides wonderful opportunities to help people reach their personal goals and enhance the quality of their lives.
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
The 2nd MOST important asset (next to your list)โฆ
As Entrepreneurs, our list is one of our most important assets.
The second most important asset is one that I find missing in 9 out of 10 Entrepreneurial businesses.
Yet, itโs a vital piece to not only sustaining a business, but in growing and scaling it too...
Standard Operating Procedures (a.k.a. SOP)
Iโm sure youโve heard this term before. A SOP is a detailed documentation of instructions (written or visual) that describe each step of a process or task.
The purpose of SOPs are to increase efficiency and deliver consistent outcomes each and every time.
In many cases SOPs are used to ensure compliance with operational practices.
Why are these so important?
Processes that arenโt documented leave room for errors and mistakes.
Clear enough, right?
Now consider these reasons that may not be so obviousโฆ
When people on your team have a SOP to follow, they are more productive, as they have exactly what they need to complete the task at hand.
Without clear instructions, oftentimes, time is wasted searching or looking for instruction and guidance.
Again, also pretty straightforward.
The truth is, everyone who works for you wants to do a good job. They want to succeed as much as you want them to succeed, so why not give them all the tools and resources they need to do their job to their best ability?
I call it setting them up for success. When they win, you win.
Everyone is happy.
Now when you donโt set your team up for success, negative consequences start to build, including: frustration, disappointment, delays, mistakes, etc.
And as we already know, unclear instructions and lack of direction long term not only causes all of the above, disconnection and resentment start to fester. After that happens, shortly down the road, either that team member moves on, or you end up letting them go.
Not many Entrepreneurs are aware of this, but the total cost of losing an employee or team member can range from tens of thousands of dollars to 1.5 to 3 times their annual salary (equating to hundreds of thousands of dollars).
Donโt believe me?
Letโs break it downโฆ
- Cost of hiring and onboarding a new person (hiring, training, management, time). Note: If you donโt have SOPs in place, training will take even longer.
- Lost productivity (a new person may take 1-2 years to reach the productivity of that previous person), especially if the previous person was super efficient and productive.
- Lost engagement (other employees who see high turnover WILL disengage and their productivity decreases. Especially when they know the change was not performance-based).
- More errors and mistakes (new team members take longer to acclimate, and are often less adept at solving your company's problems because they arenโt familiar with your company yet).
Here again is where SOPs can help to speed up the learning curve AND decrease the chances of mistakes and errors.
- Training cost (over 2-3 years you likely invest 10-20% of a team member's payroll or more in training, so they can become more invested in your business and learn how to do new things, etc). When that person leaves, they take that investment with them.
- Cultural impact (whenever someone leaves, others question "why?"). We have to remember that people are what we call an "appreciating asset." The longer they stay with an organization the more productive they get. They learn the systems, know the products/services inside and out, and theyโve learned how to work with the rest of the team very effectively and efficiently.
In a mass destruction scenario, what if the team member who leaves is responsible for things you donโt know how to do, but must do?
What if what they were responsible for was directly related to your revenue stream?
Or operations to keep the business running?
Quite a predicament youโd be facing.
Bottom Line: Standard operating procedures are crucial, so start making them for your business.
Yes, they take time, and I think that is the biggest deterrent. Most likely why 9 out of 10 businesses are without them. But in the long run, can you see now how invaluable they really are?
Not only when it comes to protecting your business; but for growing and scaling it too.
Taking the time to create SOPs will help you build a solid foundation for your company. Solid foundations allow companies to grow and scale at accelerated rates.
Lastly, a friend of mine shared a great idea with me after we had discussed everything I have just conveyed to you about creating these for his business.
Instead of typing up written SOPs, he decided to record video SOPs. Whenever a team member asked him how to do something, instead of just showing them, he decided to record a video and then shared it with them. He kept a library of all his videos, and within a year, he had every single SOP completed within his organization. Pretty smart!
To your success,
Monday, April 3, 2023
Barbados Beyond The Beach: Insights into History, and Culture.
Barbados Beyond The Beach: A Journey Through Time and Culture. Bajans are a variety of cultural heritage from Africa, Europe, and the Caribbean. The island's history of slavery and colonization has left a long-lasting influence on the Bajan individuals, and their culture programs this mix of effects and origins.
No matter these previous difficulties, Barbadians are well-known for their humour and heart. They are friendly and welcoming. They have a high sense of neighborhood, evident in how they come together to commemorate festivals and special celebrations. Bajans are content in their skin, a number of are not thinking about discovering about their African heritage. One notable rogue describes: "I understand who I am - I am Bajan; what is the point of digging up the past." Not all concur, and several Rogues in Paradise plan to do the DNA test to explore their roots and heritage.
In 1627, the British arrived on the island, and it ended up being the property of the British Empire. The British developed sugarcane plantations on the island, and by the mid-17th century, Barbados had actually ended up being the largest sugar maker in the area.
It was a difficult time. The king of England was executed in the reign of Oliver Cromwell as lord protector of England. It was throughout his time in office that the British colonised Barbados. Cromwell was a ruthless leader who urged Africans as slaves to develop the English sugar empire in Barbados. In his control, he sent out an Armada to Barbados to put down the royalist. A civil war was planned.
The antagonist assembled on opposite sides of the Bay at Oistines. However, royalists and roundheads selected to put it off and gather to the club to write up a brand-new character. That was good news for Barbados and other British conies who copied the Barbados manuscript to establish their own.
The book, Rogues In Paradise, discusses the inhuman and callous slave trade, and how it has and still affects Barbados today. Yet it is a positive cheerful, saga that is a tribute to the spirit in us all.
Worst Auto Accident Ever Before: Fatal Car Crashes Auto Accidents Compilation
Fatal cars and truck mishaps: Things you need to recognize.
I wish you taken pleasure in enjoying this video. I make sure you feel really delighted.
Nevertheless, let me remind you of points you need to think about.
Yes, many people enjoy these crashed vehicle videos to have fun but truly, they could be a remarkable educational device for individuals that such as to learn lessons from other individuals's errors.
First, we ought to be very careful while driving to stay clear of any type of brutal vehicle accidents or fatal car crashes. These mishaps not only will destroy what we have, yet they additionally will have an extreme negative impact on other people's life.
There are a number of methods to stay clear of these deadly automobile mishaps. Let us review several of these means and suggestions.
To start with what most of us recognize or the majority of us understand:
You must constantly maintain examining your auto conditions, consisting of tiers, brakes, electric motor oil, and also cooling down water.
Brakes are the most essential, not only on rainy days as many people think. They should constantly be preserved very well.
The brakes can make a difference when a mishap occurs to you. Negative brakes will trigger extreme damage and fatal accident, which will certainly result in a big brutal amd deadly crash in your car like the video clips we saw in addition to this web page.
So please maintain examining your car brakes where it ought to be done at the very least once every 6 months depending upon your means of driving, the location you are driving in, just how frequently you are making use of brakes while driving, as well as additionally it depends upon your rate while driving.
However, as I discussed in the past when every 6 months these brakes must be inspected although some individuals will certainly claim this is costly.
I do not know, but also for sure, it depends likewise on your country or your area however they must be checked frequently.
Pointer number two: Watching distance
Another essential thing is while you drive you ought to maintain adequate range in between you and also the cars and truck in front of you. We call it the watching range.
This is an important matter because this range will certainly offer you terrific security from entering into a crazy roadway accident.
Think me, or else, you will be seen on among these car crash collection videos, which we see always on the internet.
This viewing distance will certainly maintain you away enough from the cars and truck before you/ Furthermore you will certainly have the ability to see the two or 3 autos before you.
By this, you are securing both your automobile and also on your own from being crashed by an additional automobile.
It is since you will be able to see any type of brake lights for any sudden quit or any kind of sudden trouble that could happen for one of these three or four vehicles in front of you which you.
While if the watching range is extremely minimal then instantly you will certainly strike the vehicle before you and also without a doubt, the car in the back will hit your car.
So why get yourself right into that headache? Why do you need to endure and make others experience like you when you can stop all this and also make it not take place?
Something else, if you undergo those car crash compilation videos, after that the first thing you will certainly observe is that the majority of these mishaps are because of poor vehicle drivers.
They are careless, stupid, and possibly moron vehicle drivers.
Proceed as well as examine all accident videos on the majority of the dash webcams you can find that a lot of individuals otherwise all, are hopeless, bad, and reckless vehicle drivers.
Get if you can one dashboard camera and you will certainly be sure that what we discussed holds true
An additional eliminating factor is drinking while driving or being entirely drunk prior to jumping into your vehicle.
For sure, you heard or you saw by yourself among these wrecked automobiles on road rage caused by a drunk driver.
Ultimately, please do not fail to remember to make use of the safety belt as well as drive securely so you can reach your home to reach your household, better half, or kids without being harmed or dead.
Without a doubt the Last thing you are trying to find is not to be crashed in among these serious auto mishaps and also not to be revealed or videotaped by any dashcam then to be shown on one of these crazy car crash collection video clips
On top of that, it is maybe a wonderful concept to take some driving lessons although you have a driving certificate.
If you feel that, there are some powerlessness or dark sides in your driving. Conversely, if you really feel that you require to sharpen some of your driving skills then we encourage you today, to go ahead and also take some additional lessons.
Simply proceed as well as inform the trainer that you have a license however you feel you have a weakness points in specific locations while driving.
For instance, some individuals have a driving license yet still, have a trouble in reverse driving, a few other individuals do you have a problem car park their auto when there is a huge crowd, and so on.
Simply inform the fitness instructor that you have a powerlessness in any kind of driving skill after that ask him for added lessons so you will certainly come to be more expert and you would certainly prevent any complication that can take place to you while driving. Your confidence will be enhanced and also come to be much more steady.
Believe me, the last point you require in your life is to enter a deadly Roadway crash and to shed your life or to be wounded and stay in medical facility for a long time.
I am ensuring you, getting a driving certificate does not suggest constantly that you are a professional at driving.
This driving license means that you are legally allowed to drive a vehicle but still practicing is an extremely important and also critical factor.
This is the distinction between specialist and novice drivers.
Exercising is terribly needed and also it is the main major item. The more you practice driving the more professional you will come to be.
For that reason, do not drive at high speed even if you were urged by your good friends, particularly teens.
Anytime you feel this driving rate will force you to lose control of the auto, promptly slow down and also decrease the auto speed to provide yourself complete control of the vehicle.
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Tuesday, March 28, 2023
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Sunday, March 26, 2023
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